Chinese and Indian Army Face Off

China has utilised the microwave oven weapon in battle for the first time, ushering in a new era of warfare. Because of a contract with the Indian government, weapons are prohibited. This deal provides China the opportunity to employ her newest weapon in the Himalayan Mountains, and a Beijing professor named Jin Canrong has divulged that weapon’s secret.

The Times of London reported that Jin Canrong, an expert in international studies, said that Chinese forces deployed a “microwave” weapon to make extremely ill Indian soldiers evacuate. Canrong revealed the existence of the electromagnetic weapon to his pupils in Beijing. This weapon fries human flesh, “turned the mountain summits into a microwave oven,” and caused the Indian warriors to throw up. The weapon, which has a range of up to 0.6 miles, targets water under the skin and heats water molecules in a manner similar to that of a microwave oven in the kitchen. This causes escalating levels of discomfort in the body.

Despite the fact that the weapons are not meant to cause long-term harm, questions have been raised regarding whether they could injure the eyes or have a carcinogenic effect. Jin praised the Chinese forces for successfully carrying out the action and liberating the mountaintops from the Indian soldiers without going against a ban on gunfire along the contested Line of Actual Control (LAC).

The weapons were reportedly deployed in August, months after a fatal altercation using rocks and nail rods claimed the lives of at least 20 Indian soldiers and brought the two nuclear-armed nations to the brink of war. Within 15 minutes of the guns were used, “those occupied hilltops by the Indian forces all started to puke,” Jin informed his class.  They fled because they were unable to stand. This was how we reclaimed the area, he said. Jin claimed that because the height made it impossible for the Chinese forces to engage the Indian soldiers in combat, they chose to utilise weaponry. The US has also created microwave-style weapons, and China is believed to have used them on enemy troops for the first time.

The Active Denial System, America’s “heat ray” weapon, was introduced in 2007 and deployed in Afghanistan, but it was never utilised against the enemy. The first non-lethal, directed-energy, counter-personnel system with a longer range than already deployed non-lethal weapons, according to the Pentagon.

As China and India explore methods to defuse tensions on the treacherous Himalayan frontier, news of the weapon’s alleged usage in the Himalayas breaks. Since tensions between the two neighbours began to rise in June 2020, thousands of soldiers, tanks, and aircraft have been sent into the area. According to Indian officials, the two sides are currently debating a staggered withdrawal from the border region because to the low temperatures, which have plunged to -18C.

Jin claimed that the microwave weapon was employed after the two hilltops were taken by India on August 29 using Tibetan forces, who are renowned for their proficiency in difficult terrain. He claimed that there was “great pressure” on the Chinese military’s locally based commanders to retake the heights. The central military commission became quite enraged. Why did you allow India to take control of the hilltops?

It therefore demanded that the ground be reclaimed but also that not a single shot be fired. He added that the weapon was employed since it was less suitable for fighting at such a high altitude and was used because of the high altitude. The employment of microwave weaponry on the hilltops of the Himalayas was officially rejected by India’s external affairs and media ministries. Officials from the military likewise deemed the news to be false. The spokesperson claims that these rumours are unfounded and untrue.

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